Lessons with tag: terraspace

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Terraspace: EKS Spot Cluster with the Terraform Registry

November 20, 2021
We'll create an EKS Spot cluster. This is very useful to testing and savings 50% to 90% vs on-demand. Links: Terraform Registry EKS Module: terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws GitHub: boltops-learn/terraspace-aws-eks

Terraform Registry EKS Module Code Review and Summary

November 20, 2021
We'll review and quickly figure out what the Terraform Registry EKS module creates by using grep. Useful greps grep '^resource' modules/fargate/*.tf grep '^resource' modules/node_groups/*.tf grep '^resource' *.tf grep '^module "' *.tf Links: T...
free lesson

Terraspace: EKS AWS Fargate Cluster with the Terraform Registry

November 20, 2021
We'll walk through creating an EKS cluster with Terraspace using the very popular eks module from the Terraform registry. We'll review: VPC created by Terraform. EKS Cluster and Fargate Profiles. Notes: Here's a cheatsheet of useful commands....

Terraspace: EKS Managed Nodes Cluster with the Terraform Registry Module

November 19, 2021
We'll walk through creating an EKS cluster using the very popular eks module on the Terraform registry. We'll review: VPC created by Terraform. EKS Cluster and Managed Node Groups. Links: Terraform Registry EKS Module: terraform-aws-modules/...

Terraspace Google VM with google_compute_instance Terraform Resource

November 16, 2021
We'll build a Compute Instance or VM with the google_compute_instance resource. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/terraspace-google-vm

Terraspace Google CloudSQL Database with google_sql_database_instance Terraform Resource

November 16, 2021
We'll build a Google CloudSQL Database. The default in the video is PostgreSQL and can be changed with a tfvar variable. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/terraspace-google-cloudsql

Terraspace GKE Cluster with the Terraform Registry Module

November 16, 2021
We'll build a GKE cluster with the popular Terraform Registry Module written by Google. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/terraspace-google-gke-registry terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine

Terraspace Google Network with the Terraform Registry Module

November 16, 2021
We'll build a Google Network with the popular Terraform Network Module Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/terraspace-google-network-registry
free lesson

Terraspace: Google Network with google_compute_network Terraform Resource

November 16, 2021
We'll build a Google Network with basic terraform resource components. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/terraspace-google-network terraform google_compute_network terraform google_compute_subnetwork terraform google_compute_router_nat

Terraspace GKE Cluster with the google_container_cluster Terraform Resource

November 15, 2021
We'll build a GKE cluster with the terraform google_container_cluster resource method. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/terraspace-google-gke-hashicorp-guide Terraform Docs google_container_cluster boltops-learn/kubernetes-examples

Terraspace: RDS MySQL Database with aws_db_instance Terraform Resource

October 4, 2021
We'll build an RDS MySQL Database with the aws_db_instance resource. To test, we’ll connect to the launched DB with the mysql client and confirm it actually works. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/terraspace-aws-db-instance Terraform Docs: aws_db_...

Terraspace: EC2 Instance with the Terraform Registry Module

October 3, 2021
We'll build an EC2 instance with the terraform-aws-modules/ec2-instance registry module. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/terraspace-aws-ec2 Terraform Registry module: terraform-aws-modules/ec2-instance Terraform aws_instance docs: aws_instance Ter...

Terraspace: EC2 Instance with aws_instance Terraform Resource

October 3, 2021
We'll build an EC2 instance with the native terraform aws_instance resource. We'll build the project from scratch. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/terraspace-aws-instance Terraform Docs: aws_instance Terraform Docs: template_file rendered

Terraform Registry: Navigating and Module Structure

October 2, 2021
We'll learn about the Terraform Registry and show you how to navigate through it. We'll also cover basic module structure. Links: Terraspace Registry
free lesson

Terraspace: AWS VPC with the Terraform Registry Module

October 1, 2021
We'll build a VPC using the popular terraform-aws-modules/vpc registry module. This is the most popular and downloaded module on the planet. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/terraspace-aws-vpc Terraform Registry VPC module: boltops-learn/terraspace...

Terrafile Stack Option

August 25, 2021
We'll cover what the Stack Option is and how it can save you time when trying out examples. Note: The terraspace bundle example command is a generally better approach than the stack option. Links: Terraspace Docs: Terrafile Stack Option

Terrafile Terraform Registry Example

August 25, 2021
We'll demo and go through an Terrafile example with a Terraform Registry source Links: Terraspace Docs: Terraform Registry

Terrafile GitHub Example

August 25, 2021
We'll demo and go through an Terrafile example with a GitHub source Links: Terraspace Docs: Git

Terrafile Introduction: Centrally Manage Terraform Modules

August 25, 2021
We'll cover the introductory concepts for the Terraspace Terrafile. The Terrafile approach simplifies managing Terraform module versions. The advantage of using a Terrafile is centralization. You centrally define, manage, and update modules. No ...

Terraspace Testing: How to Test Custom Helpers

July 26, 2021
We'll cover how to test a custom helper with Terraspace project-level tests. Links: Terraspace Docs: Project-Level Testing

Terraspace Testing: How to Test Terraspace Stacks

July 26, 2021
We'll cover how to test a Terraspace stack. Links: Terraspace Docs: Stack-Level Testing

Terraspace Testing: How to Test Terraform Modules

July 26, 2021
We'll cover how to test a Terraform module with Terraspace. Links: Terraspace Docs: Module-Level Testing

Terraspace Testing Introduction: The Test Harness

July 19, 2021
We'll introduce Terraspace testing concepts and briefly walk through some sample code. Links: Terraspace Docs: Test Harness Concept

Terraspace Use Different Modules for dev and prod with Terraform

July 18, 2021
You'll learn how to pin down different version numbers of the same module for dev and prod environments. Links: Terraspace Docs: Different Module Versions for Dev and Prod

Terraspace Using Custom Helpers to Extend the Framework: Define Your Own Methods

July 18, 2021
We'll show you how to extend the Terraspace framework with your own helper methods. Links: Terraspace Docs: Custom Helpers

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