Lessons with tag: ruby

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Rails Jobs Multiple SQS Queues and AWS Lambda with Jets

June 2, 2024
We'll show you how to create multiple SQS Queues and dedicated Lambda functions with Jets in this video. It's just one line of configuration. config/jets/deploy.rb Jets.deploy.configure do config.job.enable = true config.job.additional_queues...

Rails ActiveJob on AWS Lambda and SQS Queue with Jets

June 1, 2024
We'll demo how Jets Jobs work. They are just Rails Jobs with a jets_job queue adapter. Except, all the resources to handle processing are serverless resources: SQS Queue and Lambda Functions. This removes the need for a daemon listening process an...

CloudFront CDN for Assets

May 27, 2024
We'll show you how easy it is to deploy a CloudFront distribution for to serve your assets. It's just a few lines of configuration. config/jets/deploy.rb Jets.deploy.configure do config.assets.cloudfront.enable = true config.assets.cloudfront...

CloudFront CDN for Lambda Function URL

May 27, 2024
We'll show you how easy it is to set up a CloudFront CDN in front of the Lambda Function URL. It's just a few lines of configuration. config/jets/deploy.rb Jets.deploy.configure do config.lambda.url.cloudfront.enable = true config.lambda.url.cl...

Serverless Rails on AWS Lambda with Jets

May 26, 2024
We'll go through the Jets Learn Guide with Rails. It makes running Rails on AWS Lambda easy. https://docs.rubyonjets.com/docs/learn/rails/

Custom Domains API Gateway with Ruby on Jets

January 3, 2024
We'll show how to set up a API Gateway Custom Domain with Jets. This gives us a friendlier endpoint to work with. GitHub: https://github.com/boltops-learn/demo-apigw-custom-domain

Releases and Rollback with Ruby on Jets

January 3, 2024
A demo of the jets releases and jets rollback command. This command is available with Jets Pro. https://www.rubyonjets.com

Upgrade Tool for Ruby on Jets

January 3, 2024
A demo of the jets-upgrade tool. We'll take jets 4 project and run the jets-upgrade go command on it. It'll help you understand what will happen when you run the tool. It's unfeasible to account for all cases and Jets apps. This script cannot ...

Getting Started HTML Project with Ruby on Jets

January 3, 2024
We'll go through the Jets Getting Started Learn Guide with a HTML Jets Project. We'll build a Jets project. Test it locally Deploy it to AWS Lambda Test it on AWS Lambda Clean up and delete it all, back to a clean slate.

Getting Started Job Project with Ruby on Jets

January 2, 2024
We'll go through the Jets Getting Started Learn Guide with a Job Jets Project. We'll build a Jets project. Test it locally Deploy it to AWS Lambda Test it on AWS Lambda Clean up and delete it all, back to a clean slate. Jets can be used to run...

Getting Started API Project with Ruby on Jets

January 2, 2024
We'll go through the Jets Getting Started Learn Guide with a API Jets Project. We'll build a Jets project. Test it locally Deploy it to AWS Lambda Test it on AWS Lambda Clean up and delete it all, back to a clean slate. Jets can be use to buil...

CloudFront with Ruby on Jets

December 17, 2023
We'll show how to do a blue-green deployment by switching the CloudFront origin. You'll see that CloudFront deploys faster than what is shown in the console. GitHub: https://github.com/boltops-learn/demo-apigw-custom-domain

Kingsman Authentication with Ruby on Jets

December 12, 2023
We''ll show you how to set up Kingsman Authentication. We'll install the gem Explain what it's doing Get signup, login, and logout working Resources Docs: https://docs.rubyonjets.com/docs/auth/kingsman/ GitHub: https://github.com/boltops-l...

Kingsman OmniAuth GitHub with Ruby on Jets

December 8, 2023
We'll show you how to setup Authentication OmniAuth Github with Kingsman. We'll create a test GitHub oauth app Grab the client id and client secret Configure Kingsman Should you how login and logout works with Github You'll be able to have an a...

Blue Green Deployments CloudFront and Ruby on Jets

December 8, 2023
We'll show one way to do a blue-green deployment with Ruby on Jets. We'll use CloudFront to control the switch over. CloudFront deploys faster nowadays than most people realize. Here's the bash loop I ran to see how long the switchover took. whil...

Terraspace Restricting Allowed Stacks for Specific Environments: Only Allow route53 to deploy Example

January 23, 2022
Covers how to allow and deny specific stacks for specific environments. Good examples are route53 and ACM certs for CloudFront. For the example, let's say you have these stacks: $ terraspace list app/stacks/route53 app/stacks/stack1 app/stacks/st...

Terraspace Tfvars Complex Types Transforming Data to Needed Structure Before Terraform Apply

January 9, 2022
When wiring terraform outputs to inputs between modules, sometimes the data structure is not exactly what you need. We'll show how to transform data structures in different ways. This can help you to reuse modules from the Terraform registry witho...

BoltOps Tools