Learn useful debugging tips with the kubectl get
, kubectl describe
, and kubectl config
kubectl get commands:
kubectl get all
kubectl get all -o wide
kubectl get all --show-labels
kubectl get all --show-labels -l app=demo
kubectl get all,secret,cm
kubectl get pod
kubectl get deployment
kubectl get deploy
kubectl get deploy,pod
kubectl get service/demo-web
kubectl get service demo-web
kubectl get svc/demo-web
kubectl get service/demo-web -o yaml
kubectl get pod/demo-web-5bc96cb4cc-qlh2r -o yaml
kubectl describe commands:
kubectl describe pod/demo-web-5bc96cb4cc-qlh2r
kubectl describe service/demo-web
kubectl describe deploy/demo-web
kubectl config commands:
kubectl config current-context
kubectl config view | grep namespace
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=kube-system
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=default
Kubernetes Intro
1h 43m
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