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Docker Use Another User Aside From root

December 24, 2021
We'll show you how to use another user in your docker container aside from root. Though this is considered a best practice, can understand why most just stick to the root user. Because it's an additional step you must take. Will show you those st...

Docker Favorite Debugging Tip

December 21, 2021
We'll show you one of my favorite Docker debugging tips. It's especially helpful when you're trying to get the docker running for the first time on Kubernetes or ECS. Note: You can also run "sleep infinity" CMD ["sleep", "infinity"] Links: bo...

Docker Volumes Tutorial: How They Work

December 21, 2021
We'll show you how Docker volumes work. They allow you to mount a directory from your machine to the docker container. This is cool because any changes to files you make on your machine get immediately reflected within the docker container. We'll ...

Docker Networks Tutorial: How They Work

December 21, 2021
We'll cover Docker networks and show you how they work. Generally, you won't have to deal too much with Docker networks as they get handled by the orchestration software, IE: Kubernetes and ECS. We'll cover them anyway so you can understand how th...

Docker cp Command Tutorial

December 21, 2021
We'll cover the docker cp command. We'll copy a file from your computer a running docker container and vice-versa.

Google GKE Kubernetes Cluster with Console

December 19, 2021
We'll build a GKE Kubernetes Cluster with the Google Console. We'll briefly note the differences between a GKE Standard vs GKE AutoPilot cluster and create a Standard Cluster. We'll cover the options quite thoroughly. We'll also deploy some simple...

Google VPC Network with the Console Quick Start

December 19, 2021
We'll create a VPC Network with the Google Console. We go into more details in the Design Thoughts video, in this video we'll focus on creating the VPC quickly.

Google Network with the Console and Design Thoughts

December 19, 2021
We'll build a VPC Network with the Google Console. Will explain a lot of reasoning in why think a simple Google Network design will work for a lot of cases. Will address questions folks who are from the AWS world might be wondering about.

Google Managed Instance Group and Load Balancer with the Console

December 18, 2021
We'll build a Google Managed Instance and Load Balancer with the console. There are a few components that we'll build: Instance Template Managed Instance Group Firewall Rule Load Balancer We'll cover some naming conventions and explain the re...

Terraform HCL Nested Loops

December 17, 2021
We'll take on nested loops with Terraform. Terraform is declarative, so a nested loop can be tricky. Links: Blog Post: Terraform HCL Intro 6: Nested Loops GitHub: boltops-learn/terraform-hcl-tutorials 6-nested-loops

Google Instance Template and a Single Instance with the Console

December 17, 2021
We'll show you how to use Google Instance Templates. Instance Templates allow you to pre-configure settings for a VM. So you don't have to go through steps the VM console repeatedly, you can just launch the VM from the Instance Template. We'll al...

Google MySQL CloudSQL Database with the Console

December 17, 2021
We'll create a MySQL Database Server that's managed by Google Cloud. We'll actually connect to the database confirm it's working. We'll use both: gcloud sql connect XXX As well as mysql -uroot -hXXX

AWS AutoScaling Group with ELB: Popular Stack with Traditional VMs

December 17, 2021
Show you how to build an AutoScaling Group with an ELB. We'll create a Launch Template, Security Group, Application Load Balancer, and AutoScaling Group with Multiple Instance Types. We'll cover many details of each of the settings. Will also prov...

Google Virtual Machine with the Console

December 17, 2021
We'll build a Google VM with the Console. This is a great way to get started and learn how Virtual Machines work with Google Cloud. We'll cover how the startup script works with the VM. The startup script can be used to install your own custom sof...

AWS AutoScaling Group and ELB: Repeat of Lesson with More Debugging

December 16, 2021
We'll create an AWS AutoScaling Group with an ELB. In this longer video, we'll show some common mistakes and how to debug and errors along the way :) We'll also show you how to further harden the security of the setup by only whitelisting the demo...

AWS AutoScaling Spot Mixed Instance Types: Newer Way to Launch Instances

December 16, 2021
We'll build an AutoScaling Group with Mixed Instance Types. This allows you to use a combination of on-demand and spot instances. As a part of this, we'll define a Launch Template, since Mixed Instance Types are only supported with Launch Template...

AWS Launch Templates and a Single Instance with the Console: Useful to Avoid Manual Repetition

December 16, 2021
We'll introduce AWS Launch Templates. They can be used to launch an EC2 Instance, AutoScaling Group, or Spot Fleets. In this video, we'll create a single EC2 instance.

AWS RDS MySQL Database with the Console: Review RDS Settings and Good Naming Conventions

December 14, 2021
We'll build an RDS MySQL database with the Console. We'll cover the settings that you can configure with the RDS database and what they mean. As a bonuses, we'll some guidelines on DB naming conventions also. We'll confirm the DB is working by con...

AWS EC2 Instance with the Console: Manually Creating is a Great Way to Learn How Things Work

December 14, 2021
We'll build an EC2 instance with the AWS Console. We'll cover the common settings that you can configure the EC2 instance with. We'll also cover the user data script and show you how to can customize the EC2 instance when the instance is first lau...

AWS VPC with the Console: Manually Creating a Highly Available Redundant Network

December 14, 2021
We'll build highly available VPC containing multiple AZs with the AWS console. This design follows baseline best practices and ensures that your DB can failover to different availability zone in the event of an outage.

Azure Spot VM with the Portal

December 13, 2021
We'll create an Azure Spot Virtual Machine wth the Portal. Azure's Spot offering is different in that you'll need larger instance sizes for spot. We'll show you in the demo.

Google Preemptive VM or Spot Instance with the VM Console

December 13, 2021
We'll create a Google Preemptive VM, IE: Spot Instance. We’ll use the Google Console and review the price difference. You'll show you how much you can save.

AWS Spot Fleet with the EC2 Console

December 13, 2021
We'll create a Spot Fleet with the EC2 console. Spot fleets are very powerful. They create multiple EC2 instances and manage them. There are different Spot Request Types. We'll also review and explain them. Request Type Persistence instance...

Azure SQL Server with the Portal: Create and Use the Browser Query Editor To Connect and Test

December 12, 2021
We'll build a Microsoft SQL Server with the Azure Portal. We'll connect it via the Query Preview in the browser. Importantly, we'll explain the difference in the portal interfaces you'll use to see: databases database servers

Azure Windows Virtual Machine with the Portal: Form Options, RDP Into Box, and Delete VM

December 12, 2021
We'll build a Windows Virtual Machine with the Azure portal. We'll also connect to it, but downloading the RDF and using a Remote Desktop client.

BoltOps Tools